Walking the dogs
I guess we've taken the 2 dogs on about every type of walk we do - greenway, neighborhood roads, trail in the woods, fire-road. They always love their walks. Colin is already noticeably better about not pulling on the leash - at least after the initial excitement wears off. The two never tussle while we are walking - they are very flexible about who is leading, etc. Colin still tends to dart off to the side more than Tamber but not too bad. We are getting better about quickly reacting to unexpected detours by either dog and quickly freeing crossed leads before we get a tangle (it is a bit challenging in the dusk/dark which is when we are usually walking on hot days). Its amusing to watch them both react the same way to the sights, scents and sounds along the trail - you can tell they share a lot of genetic traits.
Speaking of sharing traits - Shelby doodled a picture of Tamber while sitting in a meeting. At the moment I think it looks more like Colin because Tamber is getting a little shaggy.

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