Settling In
In some ways, things began to settle down today - at least a little bit.
Colin has trained us to watch him closely when he is not in his pen and to take him outside to go potty about once an hour. Even so, we still had 2 'accidents' toady. Hopefully we will be better about getting him outside in time tomorrow.
I realized that every picture I posted of Colin yesterday showed him resting. He doesn't always sleep but that is certainly the easiest time to take pictures. So I have a few more resting pics today plus one of him sharing Tamber's favorite perch.

Colin is getting fairly comfortable in his pen. Tamber is 'teaching' him not to jump in his pen. This video is hilarious - she's right back on him every time he starts jumping. (at the time Karen thought the issue was the dog treat but it was really Colin's 'inappropriate' behavior)
Colin is getting less shy and more playful & even rowdy or reckless sometimes. When we brought him home Saturday, he didn't know how to jump up on the couch with Tamber. He kept jumping straight up like he learned to do in the pen - he didn't know how to jump forward. He quickly figured it out. Today he's jumping onto the couch from the end - onto the arm which is much higher than the seat - Tamber would never attempt that feat! He's also mastered the stairs and we have to watch him to keep him from getting too reckless running up and down in his excitement.
Colin is learning to tug with us a little better.
Tamber & Colin love to play together - and can get a little rowdy at times but so far all their tussling seems to be in fun and keeps them worn out.

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